Monday, August 29, 2011


Saturday I was blessed to partner with other local ministries to help feed, clothe and pray for the homeless in Denton, Texas!  It is always a blessing to be a blessing! 

As the tired and weary came that day for food and basic needs they encountered something quite unexpected by the founder of Prayer Stop, Darrel Rundus.  After blessing the food, Mr. Rundus apologized to the group of homeless folks and asked for forgiveness on behalf of all the ministries and christians in the area for not being all that we should be to our communities.

I can just imagine some of the thoughts running through their minds.  What?  We owe so many people who love us an apology and we need forgiveness ourselves and YOU are asking us to forgive you?  I am sure the experience was quite humbling for both, the homeless and the believers and liberating to both parties all at the same time!

God has given me a healing key to share with others who are hurting and locked in a prison of unforgiveness and I have seen the captives set free by the power of FORGIVING those who have hurt them, this weekend God has shown me the power of ASKING for forgiveness.

Sunday, I held a family luncheon for my mother and brothers and sisters.  After lunch, my sweet mother wanted to share something with the family and asked that we gather around.  My mother then began to tell her children how much she loved them and asked them to forgive her for any mistakes she had made as a mother and any hurt she may have caused them.  What an amazing example of a Christian mother she made with that sincere act of ASKING for forgiveness!

Yes, God had a lot to say about ASKING  for forgiveness this weekend and He showed the power of not only forgiving but ASKING for forgiveness too! 

How about you?  Is there someone who has hurt you that you need to extend forgiveness to?  Is there someone you have hurt that you need to ask their forgiveness?  I am sure we all fall into one of these categories all too often.  Let's allow God to free us all through forgiveness!

Matthew 5:23-24  First things first, be reconciled with your brother and then offer your gifts to God!


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