Sunday, December 25, 2011


We are celebrating one of the richest gifts ever given to man today, Jesus Christ!  Just to be in His presence is more than enough to cover anything we need or desire. 

We have received so much through the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!  We want to share just a few wonderful gifts given to us through His birth with you today.  Please take a few moments to discover other gifts we have received because of the most important birth of all, Jesus Christ, and share them with your loved ones today.  




You are invited to post some other wonderful gifts given to us by the birth of Jesus Christ and you are invited to post your Christmas prayer on the Pearls of Shalom Ministries FB page.!/pages/Pearls-of-Shalom-Ministries/150362108312595

More than wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Shalom, (Num. 6:24-26)
Theresa and Don Westbrook

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Were you there when Jesus was born? Will you be there when He returns?

I wonder if I would have been one of the chosen ones to witness the birth of Jesus?  What would that have felt like?  How would that have made my life different?  Of course we all have the opportunity to read all about the birth of Jesus in the Bible. Lu. 2:15-20  And all of our lives have certainly been changed for the better because of that one precious birth.  But reading about the birth of Jesus can't compare to being there in the moment and seeing it with your own eyes. 

No, I wasn't there when Jesus was born and neither were you.  We missed out on that blessed event but I do believe in His virgin birth and that He is the son of God and that He will come again.

Praise be to God, one day, I will see Him on His next visit and this is gauranteed.  It won't matter if I am dead or alive when He returns;  I will see Him, and I will live with Him forever!  And you can too!  Are you ready, watching and waiting?  He is coming again and you don't want to miss this blessed event.  In the words of TD Jakes, "Get ready, get ready, get ready!"
I Thes. 4:15-18

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Giving Big or Small Has A Positive Impact

This time of year brings out generosity in people. You will often see folks dropping money in kettles, giving to charities, and giving gifts to children in need. Giving shouldn't be motivated by a season or a reason. It should be motivated by love. I Cor. 9:9-15

Recently I was in line at the grocery store and there was an elderly man next in line who looked like he could use a blessing. He only had a can of soup in his hand to purchase. The Lord led me to tell the casheirs to put that soup on my bill. You should have seen the expressions on the cashiers faces! You would have thought I was buying the man $100.00 worth of groceries! They were taken by surprise at my generosity and thoughtfulness. I guess they have not seen many charitable acts at the checkout line. Before I could get out of the store, the cahiers gave the man the soup and told him I had paid for it. He was very thankful. Holding back my tears, I simply said, "God bless you" and then I left the store.

I can't tell you what a wonderful feeling it was to give spontaneously! My husband and I are generous people and budget in giving to those in need. Currently, I am partnering with another ministry to furnish 72 blankets to the homeless in my community. A much larger donation than the can of soup! But I must tell you the feeling and reward of giving that one can of soup is equal too or greater than giving all those blankets to the homeless.

Why? Because giving whether big or small has a positive influence when you are giving in love. This brings glory to God and shares the love of Christ with your fellow man.

What a blessing the elderly man, the two cashiers and myself would have missed, if I thought one can of soup could not possibly make a difference in someone's life!

The next time you feel your gift is too small and you hesitate to share, remember it is not the size of the gift but the love in giving that pleases God.


If you haven't seen the movie Courageous yet, you owe it to yourself and family to do so! This movie will have you tearing up with laughter much of the time and pull at your heartstrings the rest of the time. Don and I felt such an affirmation of the Holy Spirit upon this movie as we watched and we thouroughly enjoyed the movie as well. Wow! See it for yourself and enjoy!

I believe there will be a movement come from this movie that will impact families for the better!
We need the hearts of the fathers to turn back to their children and to be a positive influence in their lives. The results would be less juvenile criminals, less teenage suicide, less teen pregnancy and happier children world-wide! How about it fathers? Are you ready to take the challenge? You can do it!
Pr. 22:6 and Malachi 4:6



What an amazing story of God's love Rick Silanska shared with us at the Dallas Chapter Christian Media Association last night! During the clip of the documentary Nadia's Story, I looked over at my stoic husband and saw big tears in his eyes. The story of God's love extended to an orphan child and the tenacity of the man God hand selected to be her father is more than awe inspiring. I encourage you to view the clip of the documentary within the streaming video, it will give you chill bumps to experience the magnatude of God's love for orphans! (click link below)

May each of us listen to our Heavenly Father and obey! Someone's life is depending on our obedience! To God be the glory!

Until next time, Shalom.

Monday, August 29, 2011


Saturday I was blessed to partner with other local ministries to help feed, clothe and pray for the homeless in Denton, Texas!  It is always a blessing to be a blessing! 

As the tired and weary came that day for food and basic needs they encountered something quite unexpected by the founder of Prayer Stop, Darrel Rundus.  After blessing the food, Mr. Rundus apologized to the group of homeless folks and asked for forgiveness on behalf of all the ministries and christians in the area for not being all that we should be to our communities.

I can just imagine some of the thoughts running through their minds.  What?  We owe so many people who love us an apology and we need forgiveness ourselves and YOU are asking us to forgive you?  I am sure the experience was quite humbling for both, the homeless and the believers and liberating to both parties all at the same time!

God has given me a healing key to share with others who are hurting and locked in a prison of unforgiveness and I have seen the captives set free by the power of FORGIVING those who have hurt them, this weekend God has shown me the power of ASKING for forgiveness.

Sunday, I held a family luncheon for my mother and brothers and sisters.  After lunch, my sweet mother wanted to share something with the family and asked that we gather around.  My mother then began to tell her children how much she loved them and asked them to forgive her for any mistakes she had made as a mother and any hurt she may have caused them.  What an amazing example of a Christian mother she made with that sincere act of ASKING for forgiveness!

Yes, God had a lot to say about ASKING  for forgiveness this weekend and He showed the power of not only forgiving but ASKING for forgiveness too! 

How about you?  Is there someone who has hurt you that you need to extend forgiveness to?  Is there someone you have hurt that you need to ask their forgiveness?  I am sure we all fall into one of these categories all too often.  Let's allow God to free us all through forgiveness!

Matthew 5:23-24  First things first, be reconciled with your brother and then offer your gifts to God!


Monday, August 15, 2011

Theresa will be interviewed by Tami Principe on Women's Recreation

Hope you can tune in and join me Friday, August 19th @ 10:30 am CST.  Tami Principe of Women's Recreation will be interviewing me about my first book, A Strand of Pearls and the ministry.  To join us click the link below for more details.


Saturday, July 30, 2011

New and Improved Pearls of Shalom Ministries Website


I am so excited to share my new and improved website with you!  Kevin Dean has done an amazing job building everything that I need into this site.  If you are looking to update or build a site, I am happy to recommend Kevin Dean.  You may contact him at

Please be patient as Don and I are working diligently to get pictures and videos uploaded to the site.  Soon, the site will be complete!  I hope you will share this site with your FB friends and your email contacts. 

The Lord bless and keep you, is my prayer!


Saturday, July 23, 2011

Empowering Women's Event McKinney, Texas

I had a great time with Christi Weems and the wonderful ladies who attended the Empowering Women's Event last night.  Christi had everything looking so elegant and pulled together a great event!
The ladies had beautiful products and all the speakers and singers did such an amazing job.

The door prizes were AMAZING!  I even won a BEAUTIFUL gold and pearl bracelet by Our Little Secret Jewelry--thanks, Anna Austin!

I was blessed to share with those in attendance,' Answering The Calll of God and Fullfilling His Purposes'.  I know God will bring fruit from the seeds that were planted last night.  Looking forward to what the Lord has next on my schedule. 
